
  • Level Designer

Wemo Labs

  • iOS
    • iPad
    • iPad Mini
    • iPhone
  • Q3 2013
  • Unity3D

Superfugu is an adorable mobile action-adventure game for kids (of all ages). You play as a puffer fish, Fugu, and your goal is to rescue your friends (who have all be trapped in glass jars by the evil octopus, Octina) by swimming (swiping) through some treacherous waters. Along the way, you’ll also learn about aquatic life through voiceovers by noted oceanographer, Sylvia Earle.

I was brought in during the last phase of the project as a level designer. I conceived and built out additional levels for the final segments of the game before its initial release.

Superfugu was available on the iOS app store for iPad, iPad Mini and iPhone for several years after its release, but since the studio (now known as WEVR) has pivoted to VR, it seems they are no longer supporting it.